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Hello. Im Shima. Im simple, and easy going person. Majoring in Human Resourse & Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Skudai. -To contact me:

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Online Induction Program : Formal vs Non Formal

What is an Online Induction Program?

During the past few weeks’ class, Dr Nur has taught us about the online induction program. According to Kelly Rainer (2007), online induction system is an online employee induction system which is easily manage and reporting of the induction process of new employees to expose new employee in their new environment organizations and promotion requirement. Based on my opinion, before this most of the induction program in an organization is done by manual and formal.For example, after the organization have hired a new staff in their organization. They will do an orientation program that is also called as an induction program. The program normally will be done for 2 to 3 days. The purpose of the program is to introduce and to welcome the new staff to the organization. It is to introduce them about the organization mission, vision, history, product and services and so on. This process on induction program can be considered as a traditional method been used.
       But due to the advance of the technology, most of the organization starts to use online induction program in their company. By using this method it is more easier and friendly user to the employee. The employers realize that their employees are more comfortable with a non formal induction program. To implement a non formal induction program, the organiztaion has decided to use the online induction program. By using the online induction program, the employee may surf the program by themselves and learn about the company by themselves. For examples, the employee could get information about the company by viewing the website.Moreover; employees do no need to go through any bureau just to get the contacts of some employees. Besides, the courses provided by the organization to the employee in the induction could be done and arrange by the employee themselves. It will be easier for the employees.
              There are also disadvantages that we can get through the online induction program. Such as, there will be technological complications which mean it will be a problem for the employees who do not know how to use the system and as a result it will require the use of manual reference. Besides, to implement the online induction program in an organization is also expensive for a small organization. For an organization to use a new technology or software is actually a big investment for them and involve the use of a lot money.

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