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Hello. Im Shima. Im simple, and easy going person. Majoring in Human Resourse & Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Skudai. -To contact me:

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Chapter 3: Globalising HRIS

 Global HRIS
According to Christopher Bartlett and Sumantra Ghosal (2000), in HRIS there are few models that have been practice.Here I would like to share with all of you the example of company that practices the Global Model in HRIS system. What is a Global Model? It is well known as non-flexible model. Global Model is focusing on building one standardized systems and minimizing the local needs. By using the Global model, all of the strategy, decision making and organization culture are centralized. Every procedure, regulation and systems need to follow according to the HQ. 

           The company that uses this model is IKEA. It is a Swedish company and was the world's largest furniture retailer since the early 1990s. It sold inexpensive furniture of Scandinavian design. The company operated in 55 countries with a workforce of 76,000. The basic assumption behind IKEA's global strategy was 'one-design-suits-all.'

Anders Dahlvig (2004), the CEO of IKEA, had once said, "Whether we are in China, Russia, Manhattan, or London, people buy the same things. We don't adapt to local markets". It shows that IKEA does not response to the local needs and they are centralized with their strategy. Even they are operated all around the world.
            The benefits of being a global company are even the employees are in different region of country, they will feel connected to each other. It is because; global market emphasizes elements of cultural cohesion and closeness for employee.
According to Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of IKEA, "maintaining a strong IKEA culture is one of the most crucial factors behind the continued success of the IKEA concept". It clearly shows that IKEA is one of the companies that practices Global Model in HRIS.

Other organization’s that practices global model is:-
Colgate-Palmolive, Tesco, Apple Smart phone, etc.
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