The Author

Hello. Im Shima. Im simple, and easy going person. Majoring in Human Resourse & Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Skudai. -To contact me:

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Summary from the few chapters that I have learned,
As a conclusion, HRIS is a system that plays important roles in an organization.  Besides, the system also helps the organization to run their activities and production effectively and efficiently. It is important for an organization to involve using HRIS because the world nowadays is changing rapidly and the numbers of competitors will be increasing. It is important for an organization to ensure that they are not left behind, if not it will be hard for them to compete in the industry.

            According to Palframan (2002), Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) have the potential to transform HR into a more efficient and strategic function by allowing HR to move. The most important task that the organization needs to do is selecting the right system for the organization. Your company will need to make sure that they can customize the system to meet its specific and unique needs and that it is a system that will grow with your company. Besides, while selecting and implementing your HR software it is important that you do it carefully. Be detailed in your research and in testing the software for trial. During the process of implementing, it is where most people will be facing a problem.

            If the Human Resource Department is aiming to transform an organization in becoming more efficient, they must learn on how to use the technology and benefits them as a competitive advantage. HR Executives is the person who is responsible for the success of the global businesses and with all of these efforts, HR may finally be able to transform.

- GLOBAL HR INFORMATION SYSTEMS - Anne-Marie Kontakos, ALCOA Graduate Research Assistant
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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Chapter 3: Globalising HRIS

 Global HRIS
According to Christopher Bartlett and Sumantra Ghosal (2000), in HRIS there are few models that have been practice.Here I would like to share with all of you the example of company that practices the Global Model in HRIS system. What is a Global Model? It is well known as non-flexible model. Global Model is focusing on building one standardized systems and minimizing the local needs. By using the Global model, all of the strategy, decision making and organization culture are centralized. Every procedure, regulation and systems need to follow according to the HQ. 

           The company that uses this model is IKEA. It is a Swedish company and was the world's largest furniture retailer since the early 1990s. It sold inexpensive furniture of Scandinavian design. The company operated in 55 countries with a workforce of 76,000. The basic assumption behind IKEA's global strategy was 'one-design-suits-all.'

Anders Dahlvig (2004), the CEO of IKEA, had once said, "Whether we are in China, Russia, Manhattan, or London, people buy the same things. We don't adapt to local markets". It shows that IKEA does not response to the local needs and they are centralized with their strategy. Even they are operated all around the world.
            The benefits of being a global company are even the employees are in different region of country, they will feel connected to each other. It is because; global market emphasizes elements of cultural cohesion and closeness for employee.
According to Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of IKEA, "maintaining a strong IKEA culture is one of the most crucial factors behind the continued success of the IKEA concept". It clearly shows that IKEA is one of the companies that practices Global Model in HRIS.

Other organization’s that practices global model is:-
Colgate-Palmolive, Tesco, Apple Smart phone, etc.
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Monday, October 3, 2011

Chapter 2: Using Information System For Gaining Competitive Advantage

Why learn about the Information System in the Organization? 

            From the previous class, Dr Nur explains that an Information System is very useful in an organization, which it will helps to runs all the activities in the organization, effectively and efficient. In order to be effective in an industry, each organization need to be able to counter any forces that might effect their organization or company. 
There are 5 competitive strategies that can use to confront with the forces that are:-
  • cost leadership
  • differentiation strategy
  • innovation strategy
  • growth strategy
  • Alliance strategy.
               The most competitive strategy that really gets my attention is cost leadership and differentiation strategy. Each company has their own strategy in dealing with the competitive forces.  

 a) Cost Leadership.

The objective is to become the lowest-cost producer in the industry. This strategy is usually associated with large-scale businesses that offer a “standard” product with little differentiation that are perfectly acceptable to the majority of customers. 

          For example, Air Asia provides the same services like other Airlines company such MAS but they are much cheaper. They are aiming at "making flying possible for everyone". The strategy that has been used by Air Asia to attract more customers by providing product and services that is lower cost. Such as, Air Asia will also discount its product to maximize sales, they will give a discounts or free tickets for their customer and in doing so, it can further increase its market share.
 b) Differentiation Strategy
 The company will try to produce product that is different from their competitors.Besides, they aim to differentiate within a small number of target market segments. They are more into providing products that are clearly different from competitors who may be targeting a broader group of customers. 
          For example, the banking services such as Maybank, HSBC,Public Bank and others. Most of the bank has their own specialties, in terms of product and services that they offer to the customer.Every customer have their own choice to choose which bank that they prefer.  

Reference :- 
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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Chapter 1 : The Introduction of Human Resource Information System

          What is Human Resource Information System?                
According to Susan M. Heatfield (2011), the Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a software or online solution for the data entry, data tracking, and data information needs of the Human Resources, payroll, management, and accounting functions within a business. In my opinion, this system is been used by an organization to allow the HR function to become more efficient and to provide better information for decision making. 

Do we need HRIS system in an organization???
            With the increasing impact of globalization, it has also given an implication to HR. The HR must set up strategies with the help of information systems to ensure hat the desired goals and objectives are met on the right time.
            According to Overman (1992) he concluded that the advantages of HRIS are faster information processing, greater information accuracy, improved planning and program development, and enhanced employee communications. In my opinion, by using HRIS it will help the organization process become smoother and efficient .Any activities will turn out less or error free.
            Through HRIS we can track the employee information in more easiest way that helps to find out whether the employee is performing at its full potential or there is a need in any improvement towards the overall performance of the employee .Besides HRIS also will help in reduces time and cost consuming activities that will lead to a more efficient HR department. It shows that HRIS is very important and a must for an organization to become productive and conducive in term of efficiency and cost.  

  • Nocholas Aston Beadles II, Christopher M.Lowery, Kim Johns, The Impact of Human Resource Infromation Systems : An Exploratory in Public Sector, 2005, Georgia College and State University ,Milledegeville, GA31061
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    What is HRIS???

    Here is a short video that I would like to share with all you and it explain on what is Human Resource & Information System.. :)