The Author

Hello. Im Shima. Im simple, and easy going person. Majoring in Human Resourse & Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Skudai. -To contact me:

Friday, September 30, 2011

A little introduction about myself!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t & hai everyone!

Thanks for reading my blog. The purpose on why I started to blog is for my Human Resource Information System class. Each an everyone in the class is needed to write a blog, which it can also be called as a reflective journal. Every entry that will be written in the blog is the reflection on what that has been learned in class & others.
Firstly, i would like to share a little bit of information about my self. I am Nurhasyimah Binti Hamid and I came from Klang, Selangor. Before I pursue my study in Degree level for Human Resource & Development, I was a Diploma graduate student from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur. The course that I have taken in UTM KL is Diploma in Management Technology (Accountancy). I am sure that all of you can see the difference between the courses that I have taken during my Diploma & Degree. Things happen for a reason right?? :)
The reason on why I continue my study in HR is because I tend to find out that this course is interesting. Well of course, the work of a human resource professional can be quite serious. But sometimes it can be very fun. I found that it is fun to learn about how to manage other people and how to plan about people development in an organization. After I have undergo this course for almost 2 years I found that HR is the most important department in an organizations and HR can also be called as the HEART of an organization. Without good HR team or Department, I am sure that it is hard for the organization to run their business smooth and will be less effective, not efficient and also unproductive.

Hasyimah Hamid
(298 words)

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